Thank you for your interest in Massage Therapy! Whether your goal is to simply relax for an hour,or you are in need of pain relief, your therapist will work with you in achieving this goal.
Our goal, as therapists, is to promote Wellness through ethical, therapeutic massage .
For each of you, the type of massage therapy session may vary according to your needs. The information below offers details on some therapies we offer.
Swedish/Deep Tissue Massage will promote stress relief and relaxation. It is applied as light soothing work with deeper work in areas of
Neuromuscular Massage consists of alternating levels of concentrated pressure on the areas of muscle spasm. The therapy pressure is applied with the fingers, knuckles or elbow. Once applied to a muscle spasm, the pressure will be held for 10-30 seconds. Muscles in spasm will be painful to the touch. The pain is caused by ischemic ( lacking proper blood flow) muscle tissue. After the muscle is relaxed through Neuromuscular therapy, the lactic acid will be released from the muscle allowing the muscle to receive enough blood and oxygen. Therapy will feel painful at first, but the pressure of the massage should alleviate the muscle spasm. Following a neuromuscular therapy session, any soreness that presents itself should fade after 24-36 hours.
Sports Massage is a clinical and orthopedic based massage designed to enhance athletic performance and reduce recovery time. Many different modalitites of massage are used during a sports massage session including some very deep elongating Swedish strokes, joint movements, trigger point therapy,deep tissue massage, scar tissue mobilization and myofascial release techniques. Sports masssage was developed to help athletes prepare their bodies for optimal performance, recover after a big event or function well during training. Sports massage emphasizes prevention and healing of injuries to the muscles and tendons. It is also good for people with injuries, chronic pain or restricted range of motion.
Myofascial Release is a soft tissue therapy for the treatment of skeletal muscle immobility and pain. The therapy relaxes contracted muscles, imporves blood and lymphatic circulation and stimulates the stretch reflex in muscles.
CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle method of therapy that encourages your bodies own natural healing mechanisms to release tensions.
Other techniques, such as reflexology, hot stone massage may also be used during your session.